The Monkey Balloon
The story of The Monkey Balloon was created when my daughter let go of her balloon at a carnival. After she had lost the balloon, we talked about where it went, etc. I thought, “What a great idea for a children’s book” and this is when The Monkey Balloon was born. In 2004, The Monkey Balloon was published! To check out more about The Monkey Balloon and to purchase the book, click here.
I am very lucky to have worked on such an amazing project with Mindy Winebrenner (co-author and special educator) and our talented illustrator, Yuki Osada, who has brought our story to life.
Check out ideas on how to facilitate language during book reading time when reading The Monkey Balloon here. Free printables are also available on our website as well as sequencing cards to use when reading the book.
Stay tuned for the sequel of The Monkey Balloon titled A Tale of The Monkey Balloon which will be available December 2017!