All About Feelings with Laminated PCS Cards
All About Feelings with Laminated PCS Cards
5 in stock
This alphabet book was created by a certified speech and language pathologist for emerging readers who use augmentative and alternative communication systems (AAC). All About Feelings Alphabet book is not your typical ABC book which highlights mostly nouns. This unique ABC book incorporates vocabulary all related to feelings to help improve literacy and communication for emerging readers with complex communication needs. These feeling words A-Z with sentences target functional communication and vocabulary that are ideal for all ages and abilities. This book is ideal for working on social emotional learning goals. The engaging and concrete illustrations focus specifically on high frequency feeling vocabulary that are used most often in conversation to increase carryover from activity to conversation. This book is created specifically to be used in a variety of settings including home and classroom environments. Goals targeting communication, literacy, and language work seamlessly with this highly unique book.
When you purchase this book, you also get laminated PCS cards of feelings A-Z. If you have specific preferences with regard to the pictures, please be in touch. For example, you may prefer girl/boy, etc.
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