Racing Mind: A Story of Girl with ADHD
Racing Mind A Story of Girl with ADHD is a picture book written by Donia Yousry and illustrated by Lydia Fontaine Ferron. I saw this book in a local bookstore Curio Room and immediately purchased it. I love finding inclusive picture books that help children understand a variety of different learning differences.
This picture book is well written and explores a variety of different strategies that families go through when a child first gets diagnosed with ADHD. Mira learns that with support, accommodations and other tools she can be successful and learn how to focus when she needs to. I also loved the illustration, font and language used in the book.
As a parent, it’s important to teach our children with ADHD that having ADHD can be challenging at times but other times it can be a superpower. It makes us creative, driven and “out of the box” thinkers which is what the world needs!
To learn more about Donia Yousry, visit her website here.
To access more books about ADHD, check out these books here!
Racing Mind A Story of a Girl with ADHD
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