Bam The Tiny Brave Elephant
Bam The Tiny Brave Elephant developed by speech language pathologist Michelyve Petit Allen is an adorable children’s story about a tiny elephant that saves his friend. The story is written in rhyme, contains foundational speech sounds and incorporates socio-emotional themes.
I love the durability of the small board book and the colorful and engaging illustrations. Young children will love this story about this likeable inclusive character that saves his friend despite his short stature. I also love how the author incorporates speech and language opportunities naturally throughout the story. In the beginning of the book, the author writes about “Bam’s Biography” with a brief description of where he is from with a visual map of India.
To learn more about this book and check out the book companion, visit Michelyve’s website here.
Michelyve Allen is a Caribbean-American children’s book author and licensed Speech-Language Pathologist that specializes in early language, voice and speech sound disorders. Before becoming a speech and language clinician, she received her Bachelor’s degree in English because of her early love reading and writing fictional stories. Bam the Tiny Brave Elephant was created to support the growing body of children’s literature that targets early speech sound emergence, bolstering vocabulary and harmouious intengrating social emotional themes for awareness and application. She is a brought alum of Drexel University and received her MA at Louisiana State University in Communication Sciences and Disorders. Michelyve enjoys taking part in research studies to further her learning.