The Cane Kids

Everett and Willow’s Journey of Navigating Legal Blindness

The Cane Kids written by Kristen Lang and illustrated by Joe Huffman is a picture book about two children who use special tools to navigate around their world. Everett has low vision and has trouble seeing certain things in his environment. Willow is completely blind and uses other tools to keep her safe and navigate independently.

The Cane Kids is a wonderful children’s book to introduce children to various terms they may not be familiar with such as low vision and blindness. The book also describe the cane and how it works to help a person navigate their environment. I love how the author introduces different types of assistive technology throughout the book such as a smart phone and types of braille products.

To learn more about the author and her work, visit InSight Accessibilities.

To access this book for children that are low vision/blind, download the NaviLens app, and access the QR code inside the book.

The Cane Kids

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