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Ultimate Self-Love Workbook for Teen Girls

Ultimate Self-Love Workbook for Teen Girls

“You can’t find a change of loving yourself if you’re always criticizing yourself. Self-criticism and self-love can’t live in the same.” Anon (Chansard, 2022)

Do you have a teen that has low self-confidence? Is your teen always criticizing themselves? 

Tabatha Chansard, Ph.D. wrote another wonderful workbook for teen girls titled Ultimate Self-Love Workbook for Teen Girls, Building Confidence, Release Self-Doubt, and Embrace Who You Are. This workbook is easy to read and ideal for both tween and teen girls. The book begins with a definition of self-love. What is self-love and why is it important? An interesting thing to note here is that as parents we are models for our children. As parents, do we show self-love to ourselves? This book made me think about that a lot! As parents, if we don’t show self-love, our children may have a harder time with this concept. 

Ultimate Self-Love Workbook for Teen Girls is divided into different sections. The first section defines and discusses self-love. This includes the benefits, challenges, and journey with various exercises to do either with your daughter or by themselves. The next section is loving yourself, which includes self-awareness, self-compassion, self-care, self-respect, self-trust, and self-worth. The next two sections include self-love and relationships and self-love and my life. The end of the book includes resources for both teens and parents. I love that the references include ted talks so that you can watch them with your teen together! 

Ultimate Self-Love Workbook for Teen Girls

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Tips for Parents and Teens

How do you get started with this book? This workbook is not meant to be done in one sitting. As a parent of a teen girl, I think it’s best to start with just the definition of self-love. Talking together about what it is and the various challenges can be a great start. It would be hard to go through all of the exercises without having an awareness of the definition of self-love. As a parent, discuss your own feelings about self-love and your journey. Our children learn so much from us so to be vulnerable can be wonderful for your teen. The “granted wishes” section and self-assessment can be an excellent place to start once you and your teen discuss the definition of self-love. The exercises vary as short answers, multiple-choice, and some visualizations, which can help with mindfulness. 

Does your teen have a lot of anxiety? To learn more about Tabatha Chansard and her other book Conquer Anxiety for Teens, listen to my podcast with her here! 



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