
Act Cool

Act Cool

Act Cool written by Tobly McSmith is a young adult book about a transgender teen named August who dreams of being an actor and also transitioning into a man. The story begins with August (formally known as Audrey) traveling to New York City in an attempt to escape life in PA. His parents are unsupportive of his transitioning and were threatening to send him to a conversion camp. 

What can he do? He decided to run away and live with his Aunt, who is supportive and understands the LGBTQ+ community. This book was interesting and helped me understand specific terminology and perspectives of teens going through these life changes and journeys. As an adult who wasn’t as familiar with these terms, reading this book helped educate me and can be an excellent resource for parents who want to learn more about the transgender community. It can also be a wonderful book for young teens who are going through this transition themselves.

Act Cool isn’t just about being transgender. It’s also about learning to be genuine, standing up for what you believe in, and following your dreams. This book also highlights the importance of a supportive community such as friends and family. It also brings up various mental health issues that can result from not feeling like you are being your true self. 

Tobly McSmith is also the author of Stay Gold, another young adult book about a transgender character. To learn more about the author and watch an interview, check out the video below!

Act Cool

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