Interview with Author and Founder of M.O.C.h.A. Tribe Diaries, Dr. Lisa Peña
Waiting for The Light Bulb
Waiting for the Light Bulb is a true story that follows the life of a little girl over the course of ten years. This story takes the reader through the journey of a mother’s perceptive as she navigates her daughter’s Autism diagnosis. The author, Dr. Lisa Peña describes how she learns to maneuver her way through medical mediocrity, broken public school systems, past stigmas and preconceived notions of what a special needs child is like and what an advocate entails.
As I read this book, it helped me gain a better perspective of what it is like for a parent of a child with Autism. As the author expressed her emotions throughout the book, I could feel the emotions with her. This is an important book for parents, providers, educators and anyone who is working with children and adults with Autism. As a speech language pathologist for 20 years, I have worked with countless amount of families. However, as much as I can try to understand what it’s like, I can’t truly understand unless I have gone through the journey myself. This book also helped me learn more about that perceptive as well as PDA (Pathological Demand Avoidance).
This book is a gift for parents going through this journey with their child. It can help parents feel like they are not alone and also connect with other parents through Lisa’s non-profit organization MoCHA Tribe Diaries (Moms of children who have Autism).
Waiting for the Light Bulb: the ramblings of a crazy, gritty mom
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About Dr. Lisa Peña
Dr. Lisa Peña is the author of Waiting for the Light Bulb The Ramblings of a Crazy, Gritty Mom. Dr. Lisa Peña is a proud wife, a clinical pharmacist, passionate public speaker and busy mom of three children, one of which has a unique subset of autism and pathological demand avoidance. She is the founder and president of the non-profit organization MoCHA (moms of children who have Autism).
Lisa doesn’t just share her story. She shares other families stories as well. To learn more about The Diaries, click here.
Lisa also records audio clips as well. Through these audio clips, Lisa continues to share her story and journey. Check these audio clips out here.
She is the blogger behind the MoCha Tribe Diaries, a website/blog devoted to squashing the idea that Autism has a single story. Dr. Lisa Peña is a Today Show Parenting Team Contributor and her writing has been featured on national blogs like Scary mommy and Love What Matters, She is also director of The Ultimate MoChA session and the Labeled and Loved Retreat, both retreats for moms with special needs children.
The Labeled and Loved Retreat includes Dr. Lisa Peña, Katie Swensen and Julie Hornok. Julie Hornok, Author of United In Autism has also been featured on my website! To learn more about Julie’s book and to listen to my podcast with her, click here.