
Interview with SLP and Children’s Book Author, Hallie Sherman

About Hallie Sherman

Today I will be interviewing Hallie Sherman, certified speech language pathologist, founder of Speech Time Fun, and author of the children’s book Ella Bella Just Can’t Tell Ya! She graduated from the University at Buffalo in 2005 and received her masters in 2007 from Adelphi University.  Since then, she has worked with children from preschool to high school, in both schools and home-based agencies.

Check out her website here at: https://speechtimefun.com/

In addition to being a SLP and children’s book author, she also creates wonderful materials on her TPT store here.

Ella Bella Just Can’t Tell Ya!

Do you have a child that struggles with word finding difficulties? Meet Ella Bella, an adorable young girl struggling to find the right words to say! Throughout the book, Ella finds strategies to help her find the words she is looking for!  I love how Hallie incorporates easy strategies throughout the book to help parents incorporate word retrieval strategies. For example, when Ella Bella can’t think of the word “hammer”, she describes it as a “tool, has a handle and is used with nail.”.

Do you have a child with complex communication needs? Ella Bella Just Can’t Tell Ya! is also a wonderful book to use the Descriptive Teaching Method for AAC users. For my students, we are always working on building vocabulary and using descriptive concepts.

A resourceful and engaging read for therapists, educators and parents!

Ella Bella Just Can’t Tell Ya!

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