Pie in the Sky
Pie in the Sky
Pie in the Sky by Remy Lai caught my eye on day on Twitter. After reading the synopsis, I knew that I wanted to review this book! This middle grade novel/hybrid book written by Remy Lai, author and illustrator is an interesting and unique story about a young boy named Jingwen who moves to a new country and doesn’t know how to speak English. This makes him feel lonely and like an outsider with his peers. How does he cope with this loneliness? He sets out to make all the cakes on the menu of the bakery his father had planned to open before he unexpectedly died! Can they hide the secret from his mother? Read and find out!
Language and Learning Tips
This middle grade novel is a wonderful combination of graphic novel and a chapter book. The variety of illustrations bring the story to life and helps captivate the reader. As I was reading this book, I felt empathy towards Jingwen, who had to deal with so many difficult things in his life. Moving, learning a new language, losing a loved one and leaving the only place he ever knew is just the beginning!
As you reading this book with your child, discuss the different feelings that Jingwen feels as he moves to Australia and tries to make friends. Can you describe some of his feelings? Lonely, sad, scared, brave, etc. As the story progresses, how does he feel when he is baking? Excited, connected, etc.?
Free Discussion Guide
Learn more about Remy and her books here.
To learn more about Pie in the Sky, click here.
Rainbow Cake Recipe
Check out this rainbow cake recipe provided by Remy herself! Rainbow Cake Recipe
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Do you want to learn more about this book? Check out the trailer here