The Extraordinary Gardener

“I believe that one individual who is determined to make a difference in the world, can, with desire, drive, dedication, discipline, passion, and persistence. The world can be altered and billions of people’s lives can be impacted positively in an unimaginable way.” ATGW

The Extraordinary Gardener

Are you already feeling sick of the snow and cold? Read The Extrordinary Gardener by Sam Boughton. This book is not just meant for the season of Spring. This beautifully illustrated book takes you into the world of Joe, who had a “wild imagination”. His world was grey and he longed for color and beauty. Could one person really make a difference?

“Every day, Joe longed for his world to come to life. Then one night while he was reading his favorite book, an idea began to grow.”  Joe found one apple seed and collected all of his tools and carefully planted the seed. He waited patiently and took care of his plant. Slowly, it began to grow and grow! With this one apple seed, he grew an entire garden and helped make his world the colorful and beautiful place he imagined.

I love this book because it shows how one person can make a difference in this big world of ours. It also encourages children to dream and imagine, which can be lost in this world of technology and busyness. I think this book is not only important for children but also for adults because it can be disheartening to take on a large task and feel like we are not making a difference. As a speech language pathologist, I want to make a difference every day. What I have learned over time is that if I do the best, I can make a difference even if it may seem small and insignificant to others.

What children can learn from this book….

Joe is a strong character that has many wonderful attributes. He is determined, mindful, patient and creative. His imagination takes him from an idea to a beautiful reality that affects many others. This book is a wonderful reminder that it just takes one kind act to change things for the better. 

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