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Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist

Do you have a child with a sensory processing disorder? Does he or she like to visit the dentist? I think bringing any child to the dentist can be a difficult experience but having a child with special needs can add an extra complexity to the experience. Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist by Marla Roth-Fisch is an excellent book about a boy named Sam diagnosed with Sensory Processing Disorder, who is nervous about going to the dentist. Marla Roth-Fisch takes you through the process of visiting dentist from the details of the cleaning to the filling of a cavity. The book also describes what Sam does to help himself get through the experience easier (such as bring headphones and wearing sunglasses, so the light doesn’t bother him). The book also describes certain experiences and sensations from the perspective of a child with a sensory processing disorder (e.g. describing how it feels when someone pats him on the head). Throughout the book, the author gives tips to help your child keep their teeth healthy. In the back of the book, there is a wealth of knowledge for parents! There are fifteen tips, stories from parents and tons of carryover activities to do at home. I found this book extremely helpful for my own two children who are resistant to visiting the dentist. Reading the book through and discussing each step helped ease their minds.

Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist also can give parents tons of ideas on how to make the experience a more positive one. I found Marla’s collaboration with other dentists to make this book an even more valuable read.

Marla is the author of another book called Sensitive Sam.

Sensitive Sam Visits the Dentist

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